Popular vocalist and periodic actress Janelle Monáe is mainly famous for the girl music that will combines R& B as well as other genres. Becoming only 5 feet high, Monae has a petite figure. And as several of her brief shirt clothes revealed, Janelle can be …
Prіуаnkа Chорrа іѕ a tаlеntеd wеѕtеrn сlаѕѕісаl ѕіngеr. Prіуаnkа hаd ѕіgnеd a wоrldwіdе rесоrdіng соntrасt wіth Dеѕі Hіtѕ аѕ wеll аѕ Unіvеrѕаl Muѕіс tо rесоrd аnd drор hеr fіrѕt muѕіс ѕіnglе thаt wаѕ drорреd іn 2012, tіtlеd “In Mу Cіtу.” Shе аttеndеd Lа Mаrtіnіеrе Gіrlѕ’ Sсhооl …
Rita ora is very famous British singer who has earned a fame very shortly and been famous among people. She was born in 26 Nov 1990 in pristine, Kosovo. She has started her career as actress and song writer and later she has become the singer …
Kesha is very famous American singer who has been famous after doing a lot struggle for providing better quality music to people. She was born in March 1 1989 in Los Angeles, CA. She has taken the proper classes of song writer at the earlier age …